Are Job Referrals Helpful For Job Seekers

Those of us in employment are lucky, there are others out there that are struggling to find employment. But did you know, those of us with a stable job, can help out our friends by giving them job referrals? You may think this is a silly idea and wonder how on earth it is going to help, but they are beneficial.

If you put in a good name for your friend who is actively looking for employment to your manager they are more likely to contact them if they have a job offer. They are also more likely to employ them should they come to an interview for a position. This is because of the reference you gave them and how good you made them seem for the job. This can help your friends who may be struggling to find employment.

It’s also good to know that some companies even offer employee benefits when they find someone for a job through job referrals, so do keep this in mind as well.

Do Businesses Know You Are Job Seeking?

Looking for work can be a daunting process, with a lot of people believing that they can only gain work by applying for jobs posted by employers. But this is not the case, you can make local businesses aware that you are job seeking.

By making businesses aware that you are looking for work, you are more likely to gain communication from them. Some businesses will even contact you when they need extra help and are looking for an employee. This means you could receive this information before they even post a job listing. Some smaller businesses rely on this, so it is always worth going in and having chat to see if you can gain employment.

It is easy to make businesses aware that you are job seeking. this can simply be by handing over your CV or communicating with some workers within the business. All of these ways will help you to gain employment faster.

Is Working With Friends The Best Idea?

When you are looking for work, it can be easy to want to follow your friends and work in the same business as them. Or you and your friends may decide to set up your own business working closely together. But, is this always the best idea?

The truth is, working with friends can be one of the worse things you can do. Especially if you decide to run a business together. The working life is extremely stressful and can put a lot of pressure on your friendship. Sometimes being in the same working environment can cause friendships to break and become lost. This is unfortunate when you have spent so long making this friendship.

It is ok to create friends in a working environment. But going somewhere purposely to be with your friends is never a good idea. Making friends in the environment will help you to cope with the stress. But if you were friends before working together, you will find your friendship suffers.

Maintaining Respect In Your Job

When you gain employment, you are likely to want to be respected by fellow employees. Gaining respect as a new employee can be easy, but maintaining this respect is where the challenge lies. So, today we are going to share with you some of our tips for helping you to maintain your respect in your job.

Remeber Where Your Respect Come From
The first thing you want to do is remember where your respect was gained from. You are likely to have gained respect for something to do with yourself. Whether it is your work ethic or how positive and chatty you are. No matter what it is, don’t forget where the respect comes from. If you keep that at the front of your mind, your respect is bound to stay.

Think Of New Ways To Earn Respect
If you feel as if your respect is drifting away, sit back and think about new ways that you can earn it back. Think about whether there is anything you can do that will bring back your respect. Are there any jobs you can take on to help the company that will make people proud of you? Doing stuff like this will help your respect to come back.

Don’t Lose Motivation
You will find that respect is lost for you as a worker when you begin to lose motivation for what you do. Yes, we all have bad days. But if other employees see that you have lost your motivation they will not respect you as a worker. You will find they turn to more motivated people. Keeping your motivation high is key to keeping respect.

These are just a few things you can do to help to maintain respect in your employment. Don’t forget where your respect come from, think of new ways to earn respect, and keep yourself motivated with your work.

Are Virtual Interviews The Future?

After the year that was 2020 with the Covid-19 pandemic, we saw a huge rise in the number of businesses that used virtual interview systems to be able to hire new staff when mingling wasn’t allowed. Now we are allowed to head to work and mingle with new people, are virtual interviews still a thing? The truth is, yes. Virtual interviews are still being widely used by companies across the United Kingdom and the rest of the world. Covid-19 is still around and it is still spreading. So no wonder companies are still choosing to keep themself and their workers safe by hosting virtual interviews.

Some businesses have decided that working virtually is simply better for them. So, if they have decided not to go back to the office they will need to hire people somehow, the way to do this is through an online interview.

Online interviews are the future, we can see these becoming a vital step in the hiring process for many businesses even if they do work in the office. It is a super-easy way to gain a feel for someone before inviting them to your premises. Helping you to both decide if they will be a good fit for the job before committing to an in-person interview. Helping to save both participants time and money travelling to the workplace for an interview.

We do see that online interviews through Zoom, Skype, and Microsoft teams will become the way forward. They will become a vital part of hiring new employees. You can expect to have many more virtual interviews in your lifetime. So, if you apply for a job and see there’s an online interview process, don’t shy away from it thinking it will be a virtual job. Go with the flow of the process and see where it takes you.