Finding a Pathway to your Dream Career

A lot of people grow up with dreams about what they want to do when they grow up; like a doctor, fireman, or police officer. It can be difficult to work towards a goal for so long, and if you don’t dedicate yourself to achieve your goal it can be difficult to achieve.

For the first step you need to make sure you meet the qualification requirements for your profession. If the competition is high, then just meeting the basic qualifications may not be enough. An example of this is the large percentage of people who apply to medical school will never get the position, and not necessarily because their academic record isn’t very good. in situations similar to this you can still find a pathway to your desired career by looking for supplementary qualifications which may be seen as a bonus (such as a degree in biochemistry for instance), or also by doing volunteer work in the environment you want to work in.

Becoming a Contractor

Becoming a contractor has both positives and negatives which those who make the career change to working as a contractor may not expect. Yes, you do have the potential to potential to earn more money, and yes, you do have the ability to choose your own work hours and often the chance to choose your own work hours, but the opposite for all of this can also be true.

Often times, because a contractor will be taking work with numerous different companies, they will have to travel a lot for new work, and occasionally a requirement of the job is to work on site. If you’ve become a contractor so that you have more freedom, then this could quickly disenfranchise you.

You may say at this point that you have the freedom to take and refuse whatever work comes your way and you’d be right, mostly, but when work is few and far between and you have zero job security, you’ll often find yourself having no option but to take every job you can which comes your way.

The last drawback to working as a contractor to go into, is that you only get work and only of a certain quality as to fit your reputation. Now this doesn’t sound like such a big deal, but if you make a mistake, or take a lot longer to do something than you quoted, this could damage your reputation and damage your ability to continue to find work.


Indeed Advertising – How to Use and Why

Indeed advertising is a type of advertising where you pay money in order to place a job opportunity (an advert) on there search results. Every time that link gets clicked you get charged a certain amount of money based upon a number of criteria, mainly competition. It is worth bearing in mind that you don’t need to pay to appear on indeed, only to make your sponsored jobs more prominent at the top of search results.

For recruiters and recruitment agencies indeed offers some truly invaluable opportunities. It is effectively the principle method of advertising jobs online, as most people looking for jobs will tend to visit a place like indeed to see the jobs available which are specific for them

It is valuable for both job seekers and recruiters because it focusses exclusively upon the employment market. This means that more specific information can be provided than could be found through a search on a typical search engine, and even when compared to more traditional methods of advertising jobs, such as in newspapers, more information can be provided.